Hallelujah! Praise be to God who reigns in the heavens above, the sea and all that is in them!
This week was stupendously, wondrously, superbly, full of blessings, blessings, blessings, and more blessings.
I had a Calculus exam and the LORD (bless His holy name) answered my prayer! For the first time ever since Primary 2, I got an 'A' for a math-related exam! I got a sweet 94%! YAAAAAYYY!!!
Then, just today, I found out that for the quiz yesterday (there was originally 2 questions for the quiz but the T.A. allowed us to take only one question and gave 10 points for free so the only question left was 10 points. The total score possible was 20/20 with 10 of the points given free), I was the only one to get the question correct. The LORD (bless His holy name) answered my prayer! I was the only one in class to get 20/20!!!!
Again today, my pen was running out of ink towards the end of class and I had to take more notes. So I prayed to God to let my ink last longer by putting in more ink at least until the end of class. (I was choosy about which pen I used to take notes) He answered my prayer! The pen managed to last till the end of class! WHOOOPEEEEEEEE!!!!!!