~Refreshment Requires Help From Above~

Monday, July 30, 2007

Any questions so far? (Part 2)

Part 2 of our email.
I'm not sure you read what I said, but that's fine.

The NT is quite clear that Christ's death for all does not save all. In
fact, the cross is judgment as much as it is salvation. The fact that Jesus
died for every human being does not (automatically) save every human being,
it only makes salvation a possibility for them. Why try and convince anyone
if it is automatic anyway? To reject it is therefore all the more grave,
hence the words in Hebrew, "How can we escape if we reject so great a

Blessings, David

Wow, that was a fast response! I don't know how you do it.

I did read what you said, but from the slow study I took, I became convinced of that what I have just said is true. I will explain my reasons why in the next few points.

1) "The fact that Jesus died for every human being" There are two possible meanings to the word "for". The first is that Jesus died instead of us, so that we would not have to die for our sins. The second is that Jesus died for us, in that He took our corporate humanity into Him so that we, through faith in that promise, can legally say that we have already died according to the demands of the Law. In this way, it applies to all humanity. And it came clear to me after reading over and over that Paul meant the second definition.
Because Paul said, "Even as sin (singular) entered the world through one man, and death through sin, so also death passed to all men, inasmuch as all sinned [Rom 5:12]."
He then said, using this explanation on how sin (singular) entered the world, that "As through one deviation (referring back to v. 12) it was toward all men to condemnation, so also through one righteous act toward all men to justification of life. [Rom 5:18]"
I originally believed what you believe until I read this. Historically, Seventh-day Adventists have been predominantly Arminian in view of the plan of salvation, which is what you believe.
It is this view of all humanity being taken into Christ that I say that Christ actually saved (past tense) all of humanity at the cross, when I take into careful account the flow of Paul's systematic thinking.

2) "Why try and convince anyone if it is automatic anyway?" Because it is the Good News the people need to hear in order for them to experience the power of it. Because, as Paul calls it, the Good News is "the power of God to salvation to everyone believing" and "in it the righteousness of God is revealed". Because it has a conversion power, and at the same time, vindicates our character when we accept, because now Christ's righteousness becomes ours to testify against the Accuser, Satan. It becomes tremendously much easier to accept the salvation once it is known what had happened." Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." There is a reason Jesus said this. Because it is a power that defies human logic that accompanies the full Gospel.

In addition to that, hearing the full Gospel makes it inexcusable to be lost, which is why God wants us to tell it to the whole world. The Gospel is incredibly wonderful news, and it will be what brings about the final decision in everyone's minds. Jesus said that, "This is the condemnation, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than the Light, because their deeds were evil." That is the only condemnation; rejecting the Light and loving darkness instead. But in order to convince all over the world of the Light, it has to be told. Because the Helper accompanies the Gospel, which makes it tremendously easier to follow a life of righteousness, which is what God wants. The Gospel transforms the character and the way of thinking in people.

In this world of increasing evil, the Gospel is the solution. Good news is not for the holy and pure; it is for those writhing in sin and wanting to escape that law of sin in their members. It is the answer to the question "How can this degeneration be stopped?"

This is why the Gospel is to be sent to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. "And I saw another angel flying in mid-heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those dwelling on the earth, even to every nation and kindred and tongue and people [Revelation 14:6]" It is not for God's benefit that He wants it preached to the whole world. Satan, the Accuser, will do his best to point out any flaws in everyone at the end. Only by accepting and experiencing the power of the Gospel can the people stand and reply to Satan's accusing finger, "Yes, we are not righteous. Only God is. But by His power and mercy we no longer stand condemned because Christ's righteousness is ours." God, through His infinite mercy, stands vindicated as well; all Satan's accusations upon the character of God will be in vain.

God wants the Gospel preached into all the world because through the power accompanying it, the people will be able to make a final decision by the time Tribulation comes. When you think about it that way, God is actually being far more merciful by doing it this way. Because He wants as many people to be saved as possible; to make sure that they know the Light in its fullness so that they will not reject it based on only a fraction of knowledge of it. So that they will be able to properly evaluate the evidence of God's Love and give their response.

And you summed it up nicely, Brother David. "To reject it is therefore all the more grave,
hence the words in Hebrew, "How can we escape if we reject so great a salvation?"" God in His mercy shows all of His goodness through the Gospel, so that a tremendous blessing and release from the prison of sin is imparted. Because as it is right now, a lot of people are blind, not knowing that Jesus had already removed their chains. All they have to do is listen to the Good News and believe it to be true. When that happens, they can legally step out of the prison cell. Otherwise, they remain unconscious of what a great event happened 2000 years ago.

Your Brother-in-Christ,


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