~Refreshment Requires Help From Above~

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Almost all prayers answered; Hurrah!!!!

Our God is an awesome God.
The miracles He does for those who want to know Him are wonderful. This week has been empowered tremendously by the power of God. Almost all of my prayers were answered with a "YES".

On Sunday at 3pm, I went on a school field trip to Shipshewana, Indiana. The sky was overcast and the gusts of wind were very strong. On the bus and at the hotel, I prayed fervently to the God of creation that He would keep the rain away at night and on Monday morning, so that our trip would be much better. I was getting nervous that my prayer was not going to be answered with a "YES" because it started drizzling while on the minibus. However, Monday morning was spectacular to my eyes when I went down to the hotel lobby to eat the continental breakfast. I stepped outside to breathe in the fresh air and was surprised and excited that the sky was cloudless, the air was cool, and the ground was dry. HALLELUJAH!

On Wednesday, I had to prepare for my chinese oral exam (which, for my Singaporean friends, is different from the ones we got in secondary school; we get to write our own dialogue) and I was so ill-prepared. I prayed to God that He would postpone my presentation to Friday so that I could have more preparation time. When class started, the teacher scheduled my presentation to be on Friday. HALLELUJAH!

At some point in the week (I don't remember the day), I felt terrible. I had told a lie to a forum moderator. You probably won't understand the struggle I had; the situation I was in was very oppressive. I prayed with a broken heart and conscience that God would forgive me of that horrible transgression and set me free of my sins. I prayed that He would purify me and sanctify me by His Truth (I had never prayed this prayer before with real conviction). A sense of assurance came over me and I prayed, "LORD, I am now going to open your Word, fill me now with your Spirit, so that I will hear in the words what you want me to hear." I randomly opened my Bible and I opened it to Isaiah 51. It assured me of God's grace and His desire to forgive me. Praise the LORD! HALLELUJAH!

On Friday, the chinese oral exam wasn't too bad. I managed to remember almost all my lines
(my teacher narrated for me the other person; there were 2 people in my written dialogue). HALLELUJAH! Late at night, I woke up and saw my bro still at the computer and he said he couldn't find his speedo shorts. So I decided to pray to the King of the Lost and Found Agency (no disrespect here; it is a fact that He is the best one) to help me find it. About a minute later, I found it. HALLELUJAH!

On Sabbath, I had difficulty waking up my brother. He had slept after 2am. My dad had a splitting headache, so I had to iron my own clothes to go to church. It took me 30 mins to iron my shirt, and it didn't look too creased, but thank God that He helped me with ironing my shirt (I had extra pants). I normally take an hour to iron my shirt (hence, I leave it to my dad to iron). But then I had another problem. I can't drive. I prayed to the LORD to help me out. My dad self-sacrificed and drove me to church despite his headache. Before leaving, I prayed to God to keep my bro awake and not let him sleep so that he could go to church. Apparently, it was answered because he just couldn't get to sleep. But he was angry at me for disturbing his sleep so he didn't want to go to church. So I felt sympathetic and prayed on the way to church that He would help my bro to sleep and get his proper rest. From what my bro said, it was also answered "YES". And although it was answered with a "YES" right at this moment, my prayer that God would heal my father of his splitting headache as a reward for his self-sacrificial act was answered. For 5 answered prayers IN ONE DAY... HALLELUJAH! HALLELUJAH! HALLELUJAH! HALLELUJAH! HALLELUJAH!


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