~Refreshment Requires Help From Above~

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Phew! Thank the LORD!

Wow. It was on Monday that my prayers were answered so dramatically. I was literally crying of sheer relief. During first period, PE, I realized that I had not finished reading the novel assignment that we were going to be quized on. I prayed, "Father in heaven, I completely forgot! Please help me recollect what little I read. But if you're willing, please let there be a miracle so that your name may be exalted. In other words, I need a miracle to get out of this mess!"

When first period was over, I walked to my second period class, Adv. Compo. , and lo and behold! A miracle before my eyes! I had never been so relieved to see a substitute teacher. I went to my seat and tears of joy and relief started to come up.

The miracles did not end, though. When I started walking to my third period class, I realized that I forgot to bring my flashlight that we were supposed to bring. I walked in with trepidation. LO AND BEHOLD! THE CHALKBOARD READ: "Taschenlampe am Dienstag". Translation: "Flashlight on Tuesday". Hallelujah! God answered a prayer I had not yet prayed.

Great mercies surely fell from heaven that day. :)


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